I was very anxious about the topic I received for teaching in our first lab. I can not juggle and I had no idea how I was going to teach my peers to juggle. However, after looking over the lesson and understanding that I needed to only teach my peers the 'process' of juggling, I felt more confident in my abilities.
I felt prepared for lab in which I had all of my materials collected (balls to juggle with) and I had my Learners Satisfaction forms printed for each of my students and ready to use.
I felt confident and at ease in front of my peers. I felt prepared in my abilities to teach and convey the process of juggling.
After watching the video of myself teaching and taking in to consideration the feedback from my peers, I am satisfied with my teaching from this first lab. I feel I have improvements that I will make, and I will continue to do even better than satisfactory.
Some things I would have done differently, would include supplying different objects for students to juggle with. For next time, I could bring in 3 apples, 3 ties, 3 markers, 3 bowling pins, 3 balls (some of different sizes), etc. I think if I brought other objects, students would have an opportunity to try different ways of juggling. Maybe juggling with one object is harder or easier compared to another object. Also I think this would give my students an opportunity to set themselves apart from one another, maybe one student is better at juggling one object and not another. Lastly, if I used a variety of objects I think it would have made the class more experimental and my students may have felt more excitement and anticipation to participate with each set of objects.
Some thing else I would do differently, is to include a video demonstration of a professional juggling. I think this would be beneficial in giving the students an example of how to juggle (other than myself) and it could have taught them proper ways of juggle where I could not. Also, this would have added structure to my presentation, in which the students would not just be juggling aimlessly for fifteen minutes.
I felt I displayed confidence in my teaching ability and had a good presence in front of the class. I feel I conveyed clear steps to the process of juggling. I feel I repeated the process a few times, to ensure that the students understood the three steps that are taken to juggle three objects. I feel, I walked around and assessed each student and check on his or her progress throughout the lesson. Lastly, I felt that I gave the students positive feedback for their persistence and participation in this activity.
Overall, I think this lab was a success. I feel that this lab was a building block in which it gave me the initial shock of 'what am I going to teach?' to feeling confident and able to convey the process of juggling well. I feel this lab will lead to improvements and it gave me thoughts to consider for any lesson that requires teaching an activity.
"If it doesn't challenge you, it won't change you." -Anonymous
Jenna, I like how you outlined areas for improvement. All really great points and shows your ability to always push yourself to be better!